πŸ“° July 27 2021: Series 00 manufacturing completed. QC begins!

πŸ“ Series 00 Manufacturing

Manufacturing of Series 00 is fully completed!

While the machining (as shared in the previous update on Discord) was completed fairly quickly, it was the post-processing of anodization, polishing, sandblasting, lasering, etc, that took the majority of post production time. But we are super happy to say everything is completed!

A portion of the completed work was sent to Cubic for further QC. So, this means we are doing double quality control through the manufacturer (with the strict QC guidelines drafted by us) as well as personal QC by Cubic. This began yesterday. We anticipate we should have news on this final QC milestone soon, and we will share an update as soon as this is complete. We will also share an updated timeline of the GB progress :)

Photo Jul 26, 9 39 27 PM.jpg
Photo Jul 26, 9 39 44 PM.jpg

πŸ“ Series 00 & Series 00 XXXXL Packaging Manufacturing

Our packaging manufacturer needs about 1-2 more weeks to complete the mass production of the packaging, which includes the Series 00 XXXXL packaging.

Once our personal QC of the Series 00 passes, the completed Series 00 will then be shipped to our packaging manufacturer for packing + delivery to our four vendors.

We do not have an 100% accurate timeline on this, but we will share an updated timeline once the QC milestone passes.

πŸ“ Series 00 Updated Timeline

We are currently on-time with our estimated timeline, and we are proud we are hitting these milestones. As said previously, we will share an updated timeline (like the ones we’ve shared in the past) once we get more concrete numbers.

πŸ“ Series 00 XXXXL Fulfillment

Manufacturing of all Series 00 XXXXL completed few weeks ago, and the completed product is en route to loop for shipping to our Canada and US customers.

Unfortunately, the package is currently stuck in customs, but we are actively working to resolve this. Once loop receives this, he will be able to ship them out individually to customers within days.

However, those that won the June 2021 XXXXL raffle will have to wait a few more weeks for fulfillment as these ones come with the XXXXL packaging, which are not completed yet (as said above). The other units of April Fool’s 401, Minterly’s charity auction, ARG, etc, do not include the packaging and thus will be ready to ship ASAP.

The team wonders whether these suspiciously looking like packed drugs as well as our name having β€œlab” in it contributed to it being stuck in customs..

The team wonders whether these suspiciously looking like packed drugs as well as our name having β€œlab” in it contributed to it being stuck in customs..

πŸ“ Series 00 XXXXL August 2021 Raffle

Coming soon. Be sure to join our Discord for instant notifications on when this will go live.

I am happy to reveal that the August 2021 XXXXL Raffle will be the Black Aluminum Series 00 XXXXL with Series ID between 0 and 4.

Hope you don’t catch the L this time.

Screenshot 2021-07-27 140344.jpg

πŸ“ Website Updates

No one likely noticed this but some minor updates were done to our website to better organize our growing product list.

No this isn’t an Easter Egg.

πŸ“ ζœͺζ₯产品






Thank you for supporting esc lab and being patient with our first group buy.

We hope you are happy with the progress so far, and we absolutely cannot wait to reveal what we have in store for our future.

// loop, Cubic, and Isshin


πŸ“° September 17 2021: Shipment to four vendors begin!


πŸ“° May 27 2021: Huge Series 00 manufacturing update!